Each Tuesday evening in October and November, we’re getting together at the Central Library to learn the Python computer programming language.
Why Python? Well, in short, it’s very versatile (used for everything from developing software to analyzing data) that has a much gentler learning curve than most programming languages. It’s also a great tool for getting you thinking like a computer, which is half the battle when learning how to code. Oh, and Python jobs are in high demand and pay really well.
You may have seen the Library’s calendar and/or event listing with a link to an online class through Coursera. Our initial intention was to work through this class together, but, unfortunately, the format and schedule were changed abruptly, so it no longer fits into the parameters of our weekly get togethers.
Instead we’re going to use the videos, exercises, and readings from Zed Shaw’s Learn Python the Hard Way (don’t worry, the title is ironic). The book is available for free online, and we'll have access to the videos. So, no need to purchase anything! Each week we’ll assign some homework and then meet Tuesday evenings from 6p-7:30p to discuss what we've learned, answer any questions, and work through some problem sets together.
For the first class, you simply need to show up. No prior programming experience is necessary, though you should have intermediate computer skills. Any knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript or other markup/programming languages is, obviously, a plus, but Learn Python is directed at first time coders, so please don’t be intimidated.
Since this is a two month commitment, we understand that not everyone can make it to every meeting. Thus, we’ve set up this website to track our progress, highlight resources, and allow for some online discussion. That way, if you’re starting a week or two late and/or need to miss a couple of classes, you can catch up via the website. That said, as Zed Shaw mentions in the Preface, "if you work hard, take your time, and build these skills, you will learn to code." So, making it to as many sessions as possible will only benefit you (well, that, and doing all of the homework).
So, once more, here are the details:
What: Learn Python
When: Tuesdays from 6p-7:30p (October - November, 2015)
Where:The Denver Public Library (Central), 4th Floor, Small Classroom
How:This book and the accompanying videos and exercises.
See you on Tuesday!